Tuesday, April 29, 2014

DIY Adorable Mini Composition Books!!

Posted by Jessie Suchomel at 9:15 PM
  Have you seen these mini composition books for sale at Walmart and Target??
Okay, is it just me, or are little things always cute? I mean, I freak out whenever I see those tiny hot sauce bottles in Continental Breakfasts at hotels, or when I walk through the baby section at Target and see an itty-bitty pair of socks. These mini-notebooks are adorable, and can be even more so with a little bit of do-it-yourself magic!

Do-It-Yourself Mini Comp-Books
First step: Gather together anything and everything you have in your scrap-booking stash/ crafting cabinet and lay it out on a table like so. This can include things such as construction paper, washi tape, glue sticks, stamps, ribbons, buttons, brads, ink, decalls, stickers, stick-on jewels, etc. I like to get these supplies from stores like JoAnns and Hobby Lobby.
Second step: Decide on how you want to decorate the notebook. Those three books in the photo above are my examples; as you can see they are embellished with tags, buttons, cute little sayings- stuff like that. Find things like these to glue on the cover, and pick out a few different sheets of card stock that match with your choices be the cover of the notebook.
Third step: On the back side of the notebook, line up the paper with the black spine of the notebook and the top corner of the back cover. Make sure the colorful side of the paper is facing you. Then, turn it over so the book is on top of the white side of the paper, and trace along the pages of the book like so.

Fourth step: Cut out the part that you traced and glue it onto the front! Repeat for the back cover.
Fifth step: Now that you have created the cover, there is a little room for creativity. Decorate it how you like, but here is how I chose to make mine:

First, I used a scrap of paper to add a stripe across the front. 

 Next, I glued this down and added little triangle scraps to the corners.
 After that, I cut two slightly-different sized hearts out of old book paper and card stock and made this piece to out on the cover of the notebook. I got the idea for the design of the word "love" by looking up love tattoos on Pinterest. You can find the design I copied here.
Finally, I hot-glued some buttons and a paper clip on the front and voila! Finished! I totally use my notebooks all the time for school (usually to write the rough drafts for my blog articles). These are perfect for any preppy school girl, busy mother, or notorious note-taker who needs to keep herself organized, and do it with style!


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